Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dreams and Creating a Future for Yourself

Got to thinking lately about dreams. Not the ones you get when you sleep, the ones you hold on to and look up to towards the future. The so called "American Dream," consisting of a 2 story ranch house, white picket fence, married, with 2.5 kids, a cat and a dog as pets, a 2 car garage, with 2 cars to fill it, a 9-5 job, and a stay-at-home wife. Does anyone realize how unbelievably boring that would be if everyone reached the american dream? No businesses could stay alive, as everyone would be working consistently 9-5, rush hour traffic would be HORRID.... But I digress...

My "American Dream?" Easy (and more obtainable) by comparison... Hold a decent job that I enjoy, and, hell, I'll be suited to have a 1 story house, subdivision even, something simple...SIMPLE........

I guess a part of it is that I'm getting tired of fighting all the time... I'm EXTREMELY happy with my life, don't get me wrong... I'm engaged to a woman who is quite simply the greatest person I've ever met, and I can't wait to finally tie the knot officially, we're living together in a very nice apartment, I have a completely non-average family, which makes things interesting to say the least, a few friends, but close nonetheless, just everything is simple, but not easy... I'm tired of fighting through every inch of whatever life puts in my way, I'm tired of having money as a major issue, I'm tired of living with a fucked up back at age 21, which has been a consistent problem for roughly 5ish years or so, and only recently had ANY notion of what's actually wrong with it, but of course, no insurance yet so that'll have to wait for a while...

Is it so hard to ask for just a decent amount of hard earned cash every month to pay the bills, and have at least a little something left over to play with?

My point being, never mistake your own personal dreams with the ones you hear about so much. Live your life they way YOU want to, not how others live theirs, or want you to live it... This idea of an American Dream has almost butchered this country in itself... People get so caught up in living in poverty, that when they see the opportunity to change the situation, they don't. If you wanna call bullshit on that, by all means, go for it, but understand one thing, some (not all) of the people who are given that opportunity blow it. Maybe not by losing the opportunity, but by buying everything thinking they're so rich it hurts, and spend everything they get, and COMPLETELY forget what bills are...

But why mention all this?

Everyone has a chance to take these opportunities, whether it be a high paying job, knowing people in high places, running your own business that has serious potential, but most will let it fly right past them. The culprit is right under your nose for why people let it go. Hell, you see it every day on TV, News Papers, Websites that sored news around, Radio (AM, FM, Satellite, Pandora, Last.fm, etc.), Billboards, Advertisement Posters, even sometimes in restaurants.... So what is it that we never notice? Social Expectations...

Popular things, famous things, things that were made famous by popular people, you name it, that's what's wrong... Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the advertisements and stuff are evil, I'm saying the way the general public perceives them, and act upon them is the problem, which also leads to the sections about the American Dream itself...

Always remember to BE YOU!

A constant, and sadly repetitive thing that I've witnessed over the past few years is that people no longer live past high school... Whatever happened to "College is where I start my life" ideas and "meh, I'll never see most of these people after HS so I'm not worried about it" ideas?

Honestly, so many people need to learn to grow up...

I'm not against having fun, I just don't personally see a need to be all like "ZOMG!!!11!!1! THAT FAMOUS DUDE IS WEARING DERPISTER, AND DERPERCROMBIE & FINCH! I MUST WEAR IT TOO!!!!!11!1!!1!11!!!1!11one!!!"

That's where the problem lies in modern society, people cant think for themselves, and it's insane...

My homework for you for the next....however long you want....look around you for at least the next few days. Notice how so many people are upset about their living situations in any way, shape, or form, and ask yourself these questions (because I can almost guarantee you'll get smacked for asking them.....):

1) Do they live in something better than a box?
2) Are they doing ANYTHING, or planning ANYTHING to make their current situation rank up to their ideals?
3) Do they seem like they've given up on their dreams? Or have they given up on the popular "American Dream" and got upset about it (emotion levels may vary)
4) Are they working hard to achieve their dreams? (or at least, do they look like it in any way?)
5) How many "toxic" people do you think they may be associated with that are holding them back from their potential?
6) Are they even TRYING to reach their potential?
7) Did you ask any of these questions to yourself yet? No? How do you expect to achieve your dream if you don't even think about questions like these?

oh wait....

you may be a victim of the "American Dream Syndrome"...

So please, do yourself a favor and never forget the following... I mean, you don't wanna end up like this chick...


Never let anyone decide who you are. You will always be you, and who you let influence you will ALWAYS be on your own hands. You will never accidentally associate yourself with anyone, so always remember that the only person you should ever listen to is yourself. If you have a passion for something, embrace it, take it, and run away with it so nobody can ever take it away from you. Never stop bettering yourself, seeing how nobody is perfect, always strive for perfection even knowing you will never reach it. It's the only way to ever achieve the best you will ever be. Follow your own dreams, not someone else's because "it seems so much cooler than yours." No dream or life goal is ever better than anyone else's, as it is YOUR OWN PERSONAL DREAM. No dream ever needs to be evaluated for awesomeness by anyone else. Strive only to achieve what you want to achieve. You are you, so always be you...


"Greatness consists in trying to be great, there is no other way" - Albert Camus

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